Current Mustangs
- Business Office
- Continuous Enrollment
- Focus
- Moodle
- HS Bulletin
- MS Bulletin
- Parent Guide
- RFS (Request for Service)
- Student Health Protocols
- Student Wellness
- Transportation
- Volunteer at MVC
Business Office
Continuous Enrollment
Seeing Grades in Focus
Understanding the Gradebook: 14 minute video, 4 minute video
Instructions to Update Medical/Emergency Information Annually
HS Bulletin
HS Bulletin
Check here weekly for HS announcements.
ACCT this week
Monday - Homeroom
Tuesday - Winter Sports Rally (DH Gym)
Wednesday - 9/10 Chapel - (Small Groups/Large Venue) / 11/12 according to ACCT Schedule
Thursday - 11/12 Chapel - (Small Groups/Large Venue) / 9/10 according to ACCT Schedule
Friday - No ACCT
Upcoming Events
Saturday, February 1 - Winter Ball
Wednesday, February 4 - Winter Sports Rally (during ACCT)
Monday, February 17 - Presidents Day (no school)
March 17 - 20 - Spiritual Emphasis Week (revised schedule coming soon)
Thursday, March 20 - Under the Stars
Friday, March 21 - No School (faculty PD)
Class Info
general announcements
Winter Ball
We are excited about the Winter Ball this Saturday, February 1 at Granada Theatre in Morgan Hill. Ticket sales have closed, and there is no option to purchase at the door. The dance will take place from 7:00 pm - 10:00 pm. All students must arrive at the venue no later than 8:00 pm and will not be permitted to leave before 9:00 pm. No backpacks or bags any larger than a small purse will be permitted inside. All small bags and purses will be searched. Random breathalyzer tests will be issued to students and guests; anyone found with illegal substances on their breath will be asked to leave. Non-MVC guests will need to show a photo ID (driver's license, school ID, etc.) at the entrance.
CSF Applications are Due Friday, January 31
It is time for CSF and potential CSF members to submit your applications for 2nd Semester. The deadline for turning in the required semester application is Friday, January 31. Please fill out the application based on the instructions outlined on the application. Points are based on grades from 1st Semester of this school year. This is required for new members as well as for active members to continue participating. Completed applications may be turned in to the ARC. Questions? Contact Mr. Bariteau.
High School Sports Tryouts | Starting February 3
Tryouts for High School spring sports will start on Monday, February 3. Sport-specific details can be found here. Please make sure you have all athletics paperwork completed in Final Forms and a current sports physical on file. Students with incomplete paperwork will not be permitted to attend tryouts. Questions? Contact Mrs. Woodford.
June 2026 Europe Trip Information
If you are interested in traveling to Switzerland, Italy, France, and Spain with MVC in June 2026, check out this video to hear all the details. Enroll by Friday, January 31 for an Early Bird Discount.
important links
2024-2025 MVC Parent/Student Handbook
Expectations for School-Sponsored Dances
MS Bulletin
Bell Schedule | Café Menu | Monthly Rotation
Monday: ACCT in Homeroom
Tuesday: MS Small Chapel Groups Continue (Click here to view your groups location)
Wednesday: Tutorials and Clubs (see options here)
Thursday: Tutorials and Clubs (see options here)
Middle School Girls Volleyball Tryouts
February 4 - February 6, 2025 (3:45 pm - 5:15 pm) in the Aux Gym
* Please make sure you have all athletics paperwork completed in Final Forms and a current sports physical on file. Students with incomplete paperwork will not be permitted to attend tryouts or practice. Questions? Contact Katie Woodford
Prayer Request
If you have a prayer request, please complete this form anytime, and you can be sure someone will be praying on your behalf. You only have to provide your name if you choose and/or request that your prayer request remain private.
Lower Grades Play Day
On Wednesday, February 5, the Lower Grades will be participating in the Global School Play Day so during lunch the lawn closest to the Gaga Ball pit and the basketball court to the left of the MS Archway will be reserved for the Lower Grade students and their Big Buddies from 12 - 12:25 pm. They will have priority in these spaces so please plan your sports activities elsewhere for this day.
Hansel and Gretel Field Trip | Monday, February 10
Students in the following classes, please report directly to the DPPAC after Period 5 for the on campus field trip to the Hansel and Gretel Opera which begins promptly at 2 pm.
Calica, Stanton, MS & HS Guitar, MS & HS Dance, Theater, Choir, HS Chorale, HS Worship Orchestra/Band.
*This does not include Exploratory Wheel students.
Have you seen or heard something that is concerning in our community?
It could be bullying, harassment, or a threat to the community. Here is a safe and Anonymous way to report it.
ACCT Opportunities | Advanced Absence Form | MVC Parent/Student Handbook | Dress Code
APP "Greenlight" List | Home Acceptable Use Policy | Student Digital Planner
Live Synchronous Learning (Zoom) Protocol | EDTech Textbook Customer Support
Grade Level Supply Lists: 6th Grade | 7th Grade | 8th Grade
Parent Guide
RFS (Request for Service)
Student Health Protocols
Student Wellness
The Student Wellness page is full of resources designed to help you manage your overall well-being as well as have a little fun!
Volunteer at MVC
Parents, grandparents, alumni, and friends are invited to sign up below to give of their time and expertise to support the work and mission of Monte Vista Christian School. Each effort helps our school empower students to reach their highest potential through Christ-centered educational excellence.
Questions about volunteering at MVC? Contact Marjorie Schmidt, Executive Assistant to the Head of School.
Middle School
- App "Greenlight" List
- Common Sense Media Notice to Parents
- Expected Schoolwide Learning Results (ESLRs)
- Health Forms
- Home Acceptable Use Policy (HAUP)
- Parent/Student Handbook
- PHE Uniforms
- Supply Lists
- Textbooks
- Dress Code Infographic
- See Something Say Something
App "Greenlight" List
Common Sense Media Notice to Parents
At Monte Vista Christian Middle School your child will be taking part in classroom lessons from the Common Sense Media Digital Literacy and Citizenship curriculum. The goal of this curriculum is to encourage young people to harness the power of the Internet and digital technology for learning, and to become safe, responsible and savvy digital citizens. In the curriculum, students will learn that they can take steps to monitor their online privacy, protect their physical and emotional well-being, and think critically about the information they share online. Through hands-on activities and classroom discussion, your child will understand what information is appropriate to share online, with whom, and in what contexts.
In these lessons, your child will:
- Learn how to identify, avoid, and deal with unwanted contact online
- Apply strategies to create strong passwords that protect and secure their information
- Evaluate privacy policies to determine how companies collect information about visitors to their websites
- Understand how to protect themselves against online identity theft.
Common Sense Media takes a holistic school-community approach to digital literacy and citizenship and provides parent educational resources to help you support your child’s learning. As we complete these lessons in class, we will be sending home parent tip sheets, links to online videos, and an occasional homework activity for you to do with your child. We encourage you to read and view the parent materials, have fun with the homework activities, and use this as an opportunity to share and learn about online safety and security together. If you have access to the Internet at home or at work, you can visit the Common Sense Media website at and take a look at the parent resources on kids and media. Here are some tips you can use to teach your children about safety and security:
- Establish rules for who is okay to talk to online. Online communication should be with people your children know, like family and friends.
- Remind your kids to never give strangers private information. Kids should never give out their name, address, school, phone number, email, pictures, or anything that could identify who they are.
- Help your kids master the fine art of password creation. It can actually be fun to develop really good pass words. (See more details on how to do this in the Security Parent Tip Sheet.) Strong passwords are a key defense against unauthorized access to your information, as well as helping prevent identify theft.
We are excited about this curriculum and look forward to sharing more with you about our activities in the classroom in the weeks ahead. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.
Expected Schoolwide Learning Results (ESLRs)
We developed our Expected Schoolwide Learning Results (ESLRs) with input from administrators, teachers, students, and parents, as a part of our WASC/ACSI/ACTS accreditation process.
A. ESLR Purposes
- ESLRs define the most essential things that our students should know and be able to do by the time they graduate from MVCS.
- ESLRs represent not only what students should know, but also how they will approach their learning, and how they will relate that knowledge to the world around them.
- ESLRs are embedded in each course that students take, and provide a focus and continuity for the students' learning experience.
- ESLRs express Monte Vista Christian School's core values as outcomes that all students will accomplish by the time they graduate.
- ESLRs provide the understanding, caring, and critical appreciation of ideas needed to succeed as a Christian in a global society.
B. ESLR Criteria
- ESLRs include all students.
- ESLRs equip all students with the knowledge, competencies, and orientations needed for success in a thinking, meaning-centered curriculum.
- ESLRs enable teachers to implement programs and conditions that maximize learning success for all students in a thinking, meaning-centered curriculum.
- ESLRs provide schools with a means to restructure pedagogy in ways that facilitate student success in a thinking, meaning-centered curriculum.
- ESLRs are aligned with the school purpose and philosophy.
1. Spiritual ESLR
Graduates of Monte Vista Christian School are able to articulate a comprehensive understanding of reality based on the teaching of the Bible. At the time of graduation, Monte Vista Christian students:
a. are able to study and responsibly apply Scripture.
b. have a core knowledge of the biblical narrative, the gospel, and God’s character.
c. can explain if/how they have personally responded to the gospel of Christ.
d. can develop solutions to real-world problems and filter any subject/event/philosophy through a biblical worldview.
e. have positively impacted the world through Christian love and service.
f. Exhibit knowledge and understanding of other religions and belief systems.
2. Intellectual ESLR
Graduates of Monte Vista Christian School exhibit mastery of a four-year college preparatory curriculum and have developed intellectual skills that go beyond academic excellence and requirements for college entrance by integrating Biblical principles and a Biblical worldview. At the time of graduation, Monte Vista students:
a. Demonstrate the ability to access and synthesize information from diverse sources, test hypotheses, solve problems, and form conclusions based on relevant, reliable data and information based on principles from the Word of God.
b. Identify and assess problems and find solutions using complex reasoning processes such as comparison, classification, induction, deduction, analysis, synthesis, investigation, inquiry, and invention in real life situations.
c. Demonstrate effective written, oral, technological, and collaborative communication skills and possess the foundational knowledge necessary for successfully pursuing an academic discipline in advanced education.
d. Express themselves creatively through art, drama, foreign language, music, or sports.
e. Demonstrate personal responsibility in the learning process.
f. Consistently test at or above grade level in all core academic subjects as measured through tests of nationally recognized merit.
3. Self-Management ESLR
Graduates of Monte Vista Christian School exhibit a healthy lifestyle and wise decision-making. At the time of graduation, Monte Vista students:
a. Set and apply appropriate goals for hygiene, nutrition, and physical, and mental health.
b. Accept and can explain consequences for life choices.
c. Identify and use personal strengths.
d. Demonstrate reliability, time management, organization, and self-discipline.
e. Develop personal goals for academics, career, family, and community life.
4. Character ESLR
Graduates of Monte Vista Christian School exhibit confidence and integrity in their interpersonal interactions and leadership. At the time of graduation, Monte Vista students:
a. Demonstrate an ability to influence others in a way that promotes justice and Biblical values.
b. Listen actively with empathy and understanding, and respond appropriately to the social and academic context.
c. Make decisions that are principled and ethical.
d. Demonstrate understanding, respect, and cultural sensitivity in a diverse environment.
e. Utilize technology in an ethical manner.
f. Demonstrate responsibility in environmental issues.
g. Contribute purposefully, constructively, and creatively to the group or team.
5. Technological ESLR
In line with the school’s Mission Statement, in particular, “dedicated to being a premier college preparatory Christian school”, in particular, providing “innovative educational programs that prepare our students for success in life”, graduates of Monte Vista are technologically fluent in current, mainstream computing technologies. A graduate of Monte Vista Christian School:
a. Is technologically fluent in current, mainstream computing technologies.
b. Demonstrate comfort using and adapting to new technologies and operating computing hardware and software.
c. Demonstrate responsible digital citizenship, in particular with respect to safety, ownership rights, collaboration, publication, privacy, security and digital footprints.
d. Demonstrate competence in transmitting digital data without the use of paper.
e. Demonstrate competence in producing digital products, such as but not limited to notes, essays, projects, and presentations.
f. Demonstrate on-line research competence to find answers and solve problems in real time scenarios.
Health Forms
Home Acceptable Use Policy (HAUP)
Parent/Student Handbook
Please review and be familiar with the MVC Parent/Student Handbook.
PHE Uniforms
MVC uniforms are required for all Middle School Physical Health Education classes. School issued T-shirts and shorts ($25 each) can be purchased at the Orientation events prior to the start of the school year for new students. Returning students can purchase a uniform at the ARC during the first week of school. Students may purchase Nike gear through our Athletics page on the website. All students must be in an MVC uniform by the 2nd week of the school year.
Supply Lists
Once again we have partnered with EdTech Software's fast and convenient online store. Your student’s schedule is preloaded and their digital course materials will be prepackaged for you in your student's personal bundle. Click here for step-by-step instructions on how to access this year's ebooks.
Dress Code Infographic
See Something Say Something
Have you seen or heard something that has you concerned? Let us know here.
High School
- Graduation Requirements
- Health Forms
- HS Profile
- Parent/Student Handbook
- Student Parking Registration
- Textbooks
- Dress Code Infographic
- See Something Say Something
Graduation Requirements
English - 4 years
World Language - Languages other than English; 2 years of the same language (3 recommended)
Math - 3 years (4 recommended)
Science - 3 years
Social Studies - 3 years
Bible - 2 years (Biblical Narrative I & II)
Physical Education - 1 year PE, 1 year Health & Wellness, Contract PE (Equestrian Option)
Arts - 1 year
Class of 2022 Course Offerings
Classes of 2023 & Beyond Course Offerings
Health Forms
HS Profile
Parent/Student Handbook
Please review and be familiar with the MVC Parent/Student Handbook.
Student Parking Registration
Once again we have partnered with EdTech Software's fast and convenient online store. Your student’s schedule is preloaded and their digital course materials will be prepackaged for you in your student's personal bundle. Click here for step-by-step instructions on how to access this year's ebooks.
Dress Code Infographic
See Something Say Something
Have you seen or heard something that has you concerned? Let us know here.
Student Services
- California Scholarship Federation (CSF)
- Class Timelines
- College Resources
- College Visits at MVC
- Community Service
- Course Offerings
- HS Profile
- National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA)
- National Honor Society (NHS)
- Transcripts
California Scholarship Federation (CSF)
CSF is a unique statewide organization, stimulating interest and fostering pride in high standards of scholarship, encouraging further education for highly qualified young people. Through its purpose and organization, the Federation contributes to the nationwide effort to identify, motivate, and encourage students with intellectual ability. Its emphasis upon service seeks to develop unselfish and creative use of these abilities.
Class Timelines
College Resources
College Admission Tests
It is recommended that students take both the SAT and ACT. Keep in mind that many colleges and universities, including the UC schools, require the optional Writing section on the ACT. Students who plan to take only the ACT should sign up for the optional Writing section.
Important College Websites
AICCUMentor: Independent California Colleges and Universities
California Community Colleges Online Application Center
Financial Aid Scholarship
Useful financial aid websites and deadlines:
FAFSA: Oct. 1 - March 2 (Free application online)
CAL Grant: Oct. 1 - March 2
CSS /Financial Aid Profile: Seniors applying to private universities need to complete the on-line CSS Profile no later than November 1 for Early Decision and Early Action applications and no later than December 1 for Regular Decision applications. Check specific colleges for extended deadlines. The profile allows students to report their financial and family circumstance information in one streamlined application and submit it to all the colleges that require it for scholarship and grant consideration. Apply online to College Board.
California Student Aid Commission
Federal Student Aid
Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)
FastWeb - find scholarships
College Scorecard
Going Merry - find scholarships and financial aid
Are College Scholarships and Grants Tax Deductible?
Grants vs. Scholarships: Paying for College with Gift Aid
College Visits at MVC
Interested in a particular college and want to learn more? Meet a college representative and get all your questions answered! Check out the schedule here (with Zoom links).
Community Service
Community Service Info & Form
Community service, like other outside activities, plays a role in the college admissions process because it gives a window into the personality and interests of the applicant. Most colleges like to see long-term involvement in just a few activities with leadership roles in at least one of them. Monte Vista Christian desires for students to learn servant leadership integrating service into curriculum and providing many opportunities throughout the year.
If you're looking for other opportunities, feel free to contact one of these great organizations or speak with your Guidance Counselor.
If you know of an organization or a one-time event looking for volunteers, please contact your Academic Advisor so we can get the word out.
Animals California Rodeo Salinas (minimum 16 years old) (831) 775-3100 or Cheryl Anderson - (831) 335-3183 or Monterey Bay Horsemanship and Therapeutic Center Santa Cruz County Animal Shelter (13-17 years old with a parent; 18 years old without) Erin Conway - (831) 454-7202 or
Environment California Native Plant Society: Habitat Restoration Linda Brodman - (831) 462-4041 or (831) 462-5660 or UC Santa Cruz Aboretum (under 18 must bring parent)
Medical Field (831) 442-2992 Community Hospital of the Monterey Peninsula (CHOMP) Dominican Hospital (minimum 16 years old) (831) 462-7740 Forbes Ellis - (831) 430-3045 or Jacob's Heart Children's Cancer Support Services Mariela - (831) 724-9100 or
Senior Citizens Michelle - (831) 479-1055 or Watsonville Senior Center
Underprivileged Families Habitat for Humanity (minimum 16 years old) (831) 469-4663 or Silvia Marmolejo - (831) 722-110 ext. 205 or
Youth and Community (831) 338-2128 or
See website for phone numbers of Salinas, South County, Watsonville, San Benito, and Monterey YMCA branches.
City of Watsonville Parks & Community Services (831) 768-3240
Friends of Santa Cruz Public Libraries Ron D'Alessandro - (831) 621-0800 or Teen Peer Court Amelia Bonilla - (831) 466-5709
The Teen Kitchen Project offers an excellent opportunity for growth & team building while developing valuable hands-on skills. This program is designed to enhance teens' knowledge of healthy cooking techniques and recipes, all while serving their community and developing valuable job skills. In addition to 24 volunteer hours, teens will receive a stipend at the end of the 6 weeks if they satisfy the requirements of the six-week job training program. Please see Teen Kitchen Project for more information.
(831) 768-7998 Still can't find what you're looking for? Try these websites for additional opportunities:
Santa Cruz Public Libraries has an extensive list of local youth volunteer opportunities.
Volunteer Center of Santa Cruz County has many ongoing projects.
Volunteer Match is a search engine for community service opportunities. |
Course Offerings
HS Profile
National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA)
National Honor Society (NHS)
Contacts and Forms
iPad Acceptable Use Policies
Kindle eBooks
Students may check out any title from the ARC that is available in the Kindle digital store, provided the ARC attendant has vetted the title for appropriate content. However, please note that students must have the Kindle app on their iPad, and while reading a title from the ARC, students will not have access to any Kindle titles that they themselves have purchased and downloaded.
The ARC attendant will set a time for students to return to the ARC and have our account deleted from your iPad.
Students can request a title from the ARC attendant. They will call the student back to the ARC once the title is ready to be downloaded. Depending on how busy the ARC is, this may take up to a day.
Parental Support and Restrictions
Discover how to enable various content and service restrictions.
Mobicip is a full featured service that enables you to restrict access to the internet.